class: center, middle name:opening ## NeuroStorm
.center[ questions: [](mailto:jovo at jhu dot edu)
working white paper: [link]( ] --- #### A Short History: Global Brain Workshop - brainx-1: proposed 3 projects & 1 common resource ([arxiv]( - what makes our brains unique? - how does the brain solve complex problems? - how can we augment clinical decision making with data - neurostorm ([neuron](, top 5% altmetric) -- - Lots of press (much to my surprise) - [MIT Technology Review]( - [Science]( & [Nature]( - [State Department announces "The International Brain Station"]( --- ### Where are we now?
--- ## Science in the Cloud 1. Globally democratizes science 2. Accelerates discovery
--- ### Where are we now? - International Brain Lab - NeuroNex Innovation Awards - New companies - I lost greg :( - here. now. --- ### Goals for Next 24 Hours - **Accelerate Brain Science Discovery in the Cloud** - Appreciate the progress our community has made so far - Learn about on-going (funded) related work - Make plans for immediate next steps to *coordinate* efforts --- ## Tonight - this overview - 1 min schpiel's from everybody in room - discuss group foci for tomorrow over desserts - potential sessions are: data, infrastructure, explore, model --- ## Tomorrow Morning - 08:00 breakfast - 08:45 welcome and break into groups - 09:00 break-out sesssion #1 - 10:20 demo's and 30 min break - 10:50 break-out session #2 - 12:15 lunch - 13:15 summary of morning results (5 min per group) --- ## Tomorrow Afternoon - 13:45 break-out sesssion #3 - 15:10 demo's and 30 min break - 15:40 break-out session #4 - 17:00 wine and refreshments - 18:00 summary of afternoon results (5 min per group) - 18:30 wrap up - 18:45 celebratory working dinner --- ### Logistics - *Moderators*: ~uniform distribution of time per person - *Rapporteurs*: taking notes - *M+R*: presenting at lunch and dinner - Regular participants: - encouraged to attend 2 different morning sessions - and 1 new afternoon session - *Funders*: do whatever you want :) - *Next Gen Leaders*: injenct postive energy & youthful spirit! --- ## Demo's - Storage & Viz in da Cloud - [A dentrite meshed using marching cubes](!{'layers':{'em':{'type':'image'_'source':'boss://'}_'meshes':{'type':'segmentation'_'source':'boss://'_'segments':['113']}_'smooth':{'type':'segmentation'_'source':'boss://'_'segments':['113']_'visible':false}}_'navigation':{'pose':{'position':{'voxelSize':[2_2_50]_'voxelCoordinates':[4107.341796875_4073.96826171875_97.36589813232422]}}_'zoomFactor':8}_'perspectiveOrientation':[-0.32683029770851135_0.8050894737243652_-0.3860739767551422_0.3097737729549408]_'perspectiveZoom':203.750147310818_'layout':'xy-3d'}) - [Same thing but smoothed](!{'layers':{'em':{'type':'image'_'source':'boss://'}_'meshes':{'type':'segmentation'_'source':'boss://'_'segments':['151'_'113'_'129']_'visible':false}_'smooth':{'type':'segmentation'_'source':'boss://'_'segments':['113']}}_'navigation':{'pose':{'position':{'voxelSize':[2_2_50]_'voxelCoordinates':[4107.341796875_4073.96826171875_97.36589813232422]}}_'zoomFactor':8}_'perspectiveOrientation':[-0.755286455154419_0.5536582469940186_0.11311593651771545_0.33196958899497986]_'perspectiveZoom':203.750147310818_'layout':'xy-3d'}) - [Orthogonal views of some neurons](!{'layers':{'em':{'type':'image'_'source':'boss://'}_'meshes':{'type':'segmentation'_'source':'boss://'_'segments':['169'_'129'_'214'_'250']}_'smooth':{'type':'segmentation'_'source':'boss://'_'segments':['113']_'visible':false}}_'navigation':{'pose':{'position':{'voxelSize':[2_2_50]_'voxelCoordinates':[4204.427734375_4105.89794921875_134.603759765625]}}_'zoomFactor':8}_'perspectiveOrientation':[-0.2354082614183426_0.4365214705467224_-0.6046097278594971_-0.6232808232307434]_'perspectiveZoom':89.07372238668175_'layout':'4panel'}) - [Reconstruction near a synapse](!{'layers':{'em':{'type':'image'_'source':'boss://'}_'meshes':{'type':'segmentation'_'source':'boss://'_'segments':['193'_'105']}_'smooth':{'type':'segmentation'_'source':'boss://'_'visible':false}}_'navigation':{'pose':{'position':{'voxelSize':[2_2_50]_'voxelCoordinates':[4124.359375_3857.3212890625_118.16165161132812]}}_'zoomFactor':7.470331534224511}_'perspectiveOrientation':[-0.13435348868370056_-0.017281968146562576_0.9906467199325562_-0.016351474449038506]_'perspectiveZoom':65.16015519693725_'layout':'xy-3d'}) - usr/pword: neurodemo/neurostorm - all data from [Harris et al. 2015]( - Scalabel Machine Learning in da Cloud - password 123456 - [k-means NUMA optimized routines]( - [Demo for GMM, LOL and spectral embedding accelerated by FlashX]( - [GMM and spectral embedding in R]( - [sic/ndmg]( - [fngs]( --- ## And Beyond - Hackathon & Data Science Room at OHBM - Hackathon at MBL in October - NeuroData booth & hackathon at SfN --- ### Deliverables from this workshop - white paper (possibly with NCBM & [NeuroComp17]( - it will list, for each participant, achievement & link to resource - for example, at ODEN, i committed greg to write a draft of the SIC paper (published [here]( within 100 days) - hackathon at MBL will demo functionality and build on success - white paper on arxiv by SfN --- ### Examples - NwB + MINC + BIDS? - CATMAID + Boss? - Reconstruct in Cloud? - Docker + Jupyter + Models? - How to share X kind of data? - How to publish Y kind of analysis? --- ## Acknowledgments | Role | People | | :--- | :--- | | Staff | Sara, Kim, Heather, Erika | | Moderators | Randal, Kristen, Fritz, Tyler | | Rapporteurs | Alex, Chris, Bobby, Adam, Greg | | Demos | Eric P, Da, Eric B, Greg | | Funding | NSF, KNDI, CIS | | Funding | Lion, Yummy, Family, Friends, Earth, Universe, Multiverse, ... |
--- class: middle, center # Questions? ### Hiring Postdocs & Software Engineers Now! e: []( w: [](