###Lifelong Learning and Beyond

Joshua T. Vogelstein ([jovo@jhu.edu](mailto:jovo@jhu.edu)) | [Johns Hopkins University](https://www.jhu.edu/) --- ### What is lifelong learning? - What is .ye[learning]? - What is .ye[lifelong learning]? - What is .ye[beyond]? --- class:middle # What is learning? --- ### What is learning (informally)? --
"The acquisition of knowledge or skills through experience, study, or by being taught." -- Google, 2020 -- "A computer .ye[program] is set to learn from an .ye[experience] E with respect to some .ye[task] T and some .ye[performance measure] P if its performance on T as measured by P .ye[improves] with experience E." -- Tom Mitchell, 1997 -- ".ye[$f$] learns from .ye[data] $\mathbf{D}_n$ w.r.t. .ye[tasks] $s$ when its .ye[performance] at $s$ improves due to $\mathbf{D}_n$." -- jovo, 2020 --- ### What is learning (formally)?
--- ### Impedance mismatch between informal and formal - Informal - intuitively pleasing - not formalized / operationalized - Formal - formalized / operationalized - makes very strong implicit assumptions that are never appropriate - only considers one task and one dataset - training and testing distributions assumed to be the same --- ### Our Goal We desire a formal learning theory framework that: 1. formalizes our intuitive understanding of what is learning 2. includes many different kinds of learning scenarios 3. enables rich theory to provide insight 4. guides practice to improve current AI/ML --- ### Out-Of-Distribution Learning Theory - We formalize OOD learning theory - The key insight is decoupling the training data distribution from the test data distribution --- ### Classical ML Task Setup - X: observations - Y: actions/labels - S: setting (fixed in classical ML) - t: indexes samples  --- ### Classical ML Task Minimize error (subject to constraints)  --- ### OOD Task Minimize OOD error (subject to constraints)  Note: - S is assumed to be sampled from some distribution over settings - train and test distributions are not necessarily the same - this makes $#*% harder --- ### OK, What is Learning Now? We introduce .ye[learning efficiency]: - $ \mathbf{D}^\emptyset $ is the knowledge prior to acquiring data. - $ \mathbf{D}^1 $ is some training data - $f$ is the learner $$ \text{LE}_f^s(\mathbf{D}^\emptyset, \mathbf{D}^1) = \frac{\mathcal{E}_f^s(\mathbf{D}^\emptyset)}{\mathcal{E}_f^s(\mathbf{D}^1)} $$
- $f$ learned wrt task $s$ from data $\mathbf{D}^1$ if $ \text{LE} > 1 $, or $\log \text{LE} > 0$. --- ### Revisiting our goals We desire a formal learning theory framework that: - [X] formalizes our intuitive understanding of what is learning - [ ] includes many different kinds of learning scenarios - [ ] enables rich theory to provide insight - [ ] guides practice to improve current AI/ML --- ### Transfer Learning - One task and multiple data sets. - $ \mathbf{D}^1 $ is the task data. - $ \mathbf{D} $ is all of the data - Measure if OOD data helped performance over just task data $$ \text{LE}_f^s(\mathbf{D}^1, \mathbf{D}) = \frac{\mathcal{E}_f^s(\mathbf{D}^1)}{\mathcal{E}_f^s(\mathbf{D})} $$
$f$ transfer learned wrt task $s$ using $\mathbf{D} \backslash \mathbf{D}^1$ if $\log \text{LE}_f^s > 0 $. --- ### Multitask Learning - Multiple tasks and multiple data sets. - $ \mathbf{D}^s$ is the data for task $s$. - $ \mathbf{D} $ is all of the data. - Measure transfer learning for each task, $$ \text{LE}_f^s(\mathbf{D}^s, \mathbf{D}) = \frac{\mathcal{E}_f^s(\mathbf{D}^s)}{\mathcal{E}_f^s(\mathbf{D})} $$ - $f$ transfer learned for task $s$ if $ \log \text{LE}_f^s > 0 $. - $f$ multitask learned if weighted average of log learning efficiencies is positive. - multitask learning is just transfer learning across multiple tasks --- ### Lifelong Learning - Similar to multitask learning - Sequential rather than batch - Require computational complexity constraints on hypothesis and learner spaces, $ o(n) $ space and/or $ o(n^2) $ time as upperbounds. - Everything is streaming: data, queries, actions, error, and tasks. Anything about task can change over time. --- ### Special cases Each of the previous definitions are all special cases of $LE^s(\mathbf{D}^A, \mathbf{D}^B, f)$, for specific choices of $\mathbf{D}^A$ and $\mathbf{D}^B$ - Learning: $\mathbf{D}^A=\mathbf{D}\_0$ and $\mathbf{D}^B=\mathbf{D}\_n$. - Transfer learning: $\mathbf{D}^A=\mathbf{D}^1$ and $\mathbf{D}^B=\mathbf{D}\_n$. - Multitask learning: for each $t$, $\mathbf{D}^A=\mathbf{D}^s$ and $\mathbf{D}^B=\mathbf{D}\_n$. - Forward learning: $\mathbf{D}^A=\mathbf{D}^s$ and $\mathbf{D}^B=\mathbf{D}^{< t}$. - Backward learning: $\mathbf{D}^A=\mathbf{D}^{< t}$ and $\mathbf{D}^B=\mathbf{D}\_n$. Conjecture: All learning metrics we care about are functions of learning efficiency for a specific $\mathbf{D}^A$ and $\mathbf{D}^B$. --- ### Many different learning scenarios  --- ### Revisiting our goals We desire a formal learning theory framework that: - [X] formalizes our intuitive understanding of what is learning - [X] includes many different kinds of learning scenarios - [ ] enables rich theory to provide insight - [ ] guides practice to improve current AI/ML --- ### Proving novel properties of OOD learning  basically, using non-task data to improve performance at all  basically, using non-task data to perform arbitrarily well --- ### Weak OOD Learner Theorem Classical theory: - Weak learning: can do better than chance on some task with sufficient data - Strong learning: can do arbitrarily close to optimal on some task with sufficient data - Weak Learner Theorem: if a problem is weakly learnable, it is also strongly learnable OOD learning theory - Training distribution is uncoupled from evaluation distribution --- ### More data is inadequate for LL Theorem 1: With *only* out-of-distribution data, there exists some problems that are weakly, but not strongly, learnable. - This implies that OOD learning is different *in kind* from in-distribution learning. - Lifelong learning is a special case of OOD learning - Getting .ye[more] data is *not* guaranteed to improve performance arbitrarily in LL, we need .ye[better] data --- ### Learning efficiency is a fundamental notion of learning Theorem 2: Weak OOD learnability implies transfer learnability (i.e., learning efficiency > 1). That is, if one can weakly learn, one can also transfer learn, but not necessarily vice versa. - This implies that transfer learnability is a fundamental property of learning problems - In other words, inability to transfer is equivalent to inability to learn at all. --- ### What have we accomplished? - Showed inadequacy of classical ML framework for OOD learning - Created a new unifying framework adequate for describing OOD learning - Proved theorems and results in this new framework --- ### Revisiting our goals We desire a formal learning theory framework that: - [X] formalizes our intuitive understanding of what is learning - [X] includes many different kinds of learning scenarios - [X] enables rich theory to provide insight - [ ] guides practice to improve current AI/ML --- class:middle # What is lifelong learning? --- ### Defining/Quantifying Learning & Forgetting  Using non-task data to improve performance over what it could achieve using only task data Key is measuring improvement in performance rather than raw accuracy --- ### What is forward learning? - Let $n\_t$ be the last occurence of task $t$ in $\mathbf{D}\_n$ - Let $\mathbf{D}\_n^{< t} = \lbrace S\_1, S\_2, \ldots, S\_{n_t} \rbrace$ - .ye[Forward] learning efficiency is the improvement on task $t$ resulting from all data .ye[preceding] task $t$ $$ FLE^s\_{\mathbf{n}}(f) := \frac{\mathcal{E}_f^s(\mathbf{D}^{t}\_n)}{\mathcal{E}_f^s(\mathbf{D}^{< t}\_n)} $$
$f$ .ye[forward learns] if $FLE_{\mathbf{n}}(f) > 1$. --- ### What is backward learning? .ye[Backward] learning efficiency is the improvement on task $t$ resulting from all data .ye[after] task $t$ $$ BLE^s\_{\mathbf{n}}(f) := \frac{\mathcal{E}_f^s(\mathbf{D}^{< t}\_n)}{\mathcal{E}_f^s(\mathbf{D}\_n)} $$
$f$ .ye[backward learns] if $BLE_{\mathbf{n}}(f) > 1$. --- ### Learning efficiency factorizes $$LE^s\_{\mathbf{n}}(f) := FLE^s\_{\mathbf{n}}(f) \times BLE^s\_{\mathbf{n}}(f) $$ $$ \frac{\mathcal{E}_f^s(\mathbf{D}^{t}\_n)}{\mathcal{E}_f^s(\mathbf{D}\_n)} = \frac{\mathcal{E}_f^s(\mathbf{D}^{t}\_n)}{\mathcal{E}_f^s(\mathbf{D}^{< t}\_n)} \times \frac{\mathcal{E}_f^s(\mathbf{D}^{< t}\_n)}{\mathcal{E}_f^s(\mathbf{D}\_n)} $$
--- ### Lifelong learning is hard: catastrophic forgetting  --- ### 30 years later... 
And the struggle to not forget continues... --- ### Our claim A lifelong learning agent should improve on
past tasks , i.e., $BLE_{\mathbf{n}}(f) > 1$
current tasks, i.e., $LE^s_{\mathbf{n}}(f) > 1$
future or yet unseen tasks, i.e., $FLE_{\mathbf{n}}(f) > 1$
--- ### Our approach: ensembling representations  --- ### What is lifelong cheating? - Store every sample you've ever seen - Every time we are faced with a new data, just update everything in batch mode - Now just run your favorite multitask $f$ - Doing so consumes $\mathcal{O}(n^2)$ resources because $ \sum_{i =1}^n i \approx n^2$ - So, to differentiate lifelong learning from multitask learning requires a particularly efficient algorithm - $f$ must consume less than quadratic resources as a function of $n$, $f \in o(n^2)$ --- ### A computational taxonomy | Par. | → | ← | capacity | space | time | Examples | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---:| :---: | :---: | | par | - | - | 1 | T | nT | EWC | par | - | - | 1 | 1 | n | O-EWC, SI, LwF | par | + | - | 1 | n | nT | Total Replay | semipar | + | 0 | T | T
2 | nT | ProgNN | semipar | + | - | T | T | n | DF-CNN | semipar | + | + | T | T + n | n | ODIN | nonpar | + | + | n | n | n | ODIF --- ### Omnidirectional Algorithms can Transfer Between XOR and XNOR  --- ## CIFAR 10x10 .pull-left[ - *CIFAR 100* is a popular image classification dataset with 100 classes of images. - 500 training images and 100 testing images per class. - All images are 32x32 color images. - CIFAR 10x10 breaks the 100-class task problem into 10 tasks, each with 10-class. ] .pull-right[
] --- ### Omnidirectional Algorithms Show Forward Transfer CIFAR 10x10  --- ### Omnidirectional Algorithms Uniquely Show Backward Transfer for Each Task  --- ### Revisiting our goals We desire a formal learning theory framework that: - [X] formalizes our intuitive understanding of what is learning - [X] includes many different kinds of learning scenarios - [X] enables rich theory to provide insight - [X] guides practice to improve current AI/ML --- ### Future Directions/ Transitions - omnidirctional algorithm code continues to improve [http://proglearn.neurodata.io/](http://proglearn.neurodata.io/) - streaming forest for streaming lifelong learning setup [https://sdtf.neurodata.io](https://sdtf.neurodata.io)  --- ### Kernel Density Networks/Forests generate well calibrated posteriors - [https://github.com/neurodata/kdg](https://github.com/neurodata/kdg) - KDG on Guassian XOR simulation data 
--- ### Deep Networks are the worst model of the mind
--- ### Acknowledgements
baby girl
##### JHU
Carey Priebe
Jesse Patsolic
Meghana Madhya
Hayden Helm
Richard Gou
Ronak Mehta
Jayanta Dey
Will LeVine
##### Microsoft Research
Chris White
Weiwei Yang
Jonathan Larson
Bryan Tower
##### DARPA L2M {[BME](https://www.bme.jhu.edu/),[CIS](http://cis.jhu.edu/), [ICM](https://icm.jhu.edu/), [KNDI](http://kavlijhu.org/)}@[JHU](https://www.jhu.edu/) | [neurodata](https://neurodata.io)
[jovo@jhu.edu](mailto:j1c@jhu.edu) |
| [@neuro_data](https://twitter.com/neuro_data) --- background-image: url(images/l_and_v.jpeg) .footnote[Questions?] --- class: middle # .center[Appendix] --- .small[ ### Publications 1. A. Geisa et al. [Towards a theory of out-of-distribution learning](https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.14501), arXiv, 2021. 1. J. T. Vogelstein et al. [Omnidirectional Transfer for Quasilinear Lifelong Learning](https://arxiv.org/abs/2004.12908), arXiv, 2021. 1. Xu, Haoyin, et al. [Streaming Decision Trees and Forests](https://arxiv.org/abs/2110.08483), arXiv, 2021. 1. C. E. Priebe et al. [Modern Machine Learning: Partition and Vote](https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.04.29.068460), 2020. 1. R Guo, et al. [Estimating Information-Theoretic Quantities with Uncertainty Forests](https://arxiv.org/abs/1907.00325). arXiv, 2019. 1. R. Perry, et al. [Manifold Forests: Closing the Gap on Neural Networks](https://openreview.net/forum?id=B1xewR4KvH). arXiv, 2019. 1. C. Shen and J. T. Vogelstein. [Decision Forests Induce Characteristic Kernels](https://arxiv.org/abs/1812.00029). arXiv, 2019. 1. M. Madhya, et al. [Geodesic Learning via Unsupervised Decision Forests](https://arxiv.org/abs/1907.02844). arXiv, 2019. 1. M. Madhya, et al. [PACSET (Packed Serialized Trees): Reducing Inference Latency for Tree Ensemble Deployment](https://arxiv.org/abs/2011.05383). arXiv, 2020. ### Conferences 1. J.T. Vogelstein et al. A biological implementation of lifelong learning in the pursuit of artificial general intelligence. NAISys, 2020. 2. B. Pedigo et al. A quantitative comparison of a complete connectome to artificial intelligence architectures. NAISys, 2020. ] --- ### Biological learning is on top  --- ### Spoken Digit dataset .pull-left[ - *Spoken Digit* contains recording from 6 different speakers. - Each digit has 50 recordings (3000 total recordings). - For each recording spectrogram was extracted using using Hanning windows of duration 16 ms with an overlap of 4 ms. - The spectrograms were resized down to 28×28. ] .pull-right[
] --- ### Omnidirectional Algorithms on Spoken Digit Task