class:inverse ### Lifelong Learning via
Ensembling General Representations Moving Beyond Avoiding Catastrophic Forgetting
Joshua T. Vogelstein | {[BME](,[CIS](, [ICM](, [KNDI](}@[JHU]( | [neurodata](
[]( |
| [@neuro_data]( --- class:inverse ## Lifelong Learning in AI - Given a sequence of data associated with different tasks, .ye[continually learn] such that task performances improve by virtue of having data from other tasks. - Catastrophic forgetting: learning new tasks causes performance .ye[degradation] on previous tasks - Why stop there? Let's .ye[improve] performance on past tasks using future data -- ## Natural Intelligence - Biological/natural intelligence (BI) is .ye[progressive], data on future tasks can actually improve performance on past tasks: - learning a 2nd language improves 1st language - learning to run improves walking - Each task is a composition of many sub-tasks which .ye[overlap] with other tasks --- class: inverse ## Goals of this work - Formalize the above AI claims - Develop algorithms that move beyond catastrophic forgetting, motivated by observations from natural intelligence --- class:inverse ## Outline - Background - Lifelong learning - Evaluation criteria - Algorithm - Simulations - Real data - Theory - Discussion --- class:inverse, middle ### Background --- class: inverse ## A simple learning example - $z_i=(x_i,y_i)$, $i \in \lbrace 1, 2, \ldots, 200 \rbrace$ - $x \in \mathbb{R}^2$ - $y \in \lbrace 0,1 \rbrace$ - we desire to learn a classifier that minimizes expected misclassification rate --- class: inverse
--- class: inverse
--- class: inverse
--- class: inverse ## But there is a problem... "Training on a new set of items may drastically disrupt performance on previously learned items." -- McCloskey & Cohen, 1989 --- class: inverse ## 30 years later...
--- class: inverse ## Last Year: A Grand Challenge
"We need to invent a new kind of learning that .ye[leverages existing knowledge], rather than one that obstinately starts over from square one.”— Rebooting AI, Gary Marcus, Ernest Davis, 2019
"One such obstacle is adaptability or robustness... efforts toward “transfer learning,” “domain adaptation,” and “.ye[lifelong learning]” are reflective of this obstacle." -- Judea Pearl, 2019 --- class: inverse ## This Year: A Real Challenge - Industry - Microsoft/Amazon/Google trained a recommender system on existing products, then a new product is launched - Healthcare - A new disease, test, treatment exists - Augmented Reality - Walking around, go to a new city In all cases, re-training from scratch is just too expensive, we desire to dynamically update with new data --- class:inverse, middle ### A Theory of the Lifelong Learnable --- class: inverse ## What is Learning?
--- class: inverse ## What is Learning? "An algorithm $f$ learns from data $\mathcal{D}_n$ with performance measure $\mathcal{E}$, if $f$'s performance improves with $n$.'' -- Tom Mitchell, 1997 (not exact quote) --- class:inverse ## What are data? - Assume $Z_i$ is a $z \in \mathcal{Z}$ valued random variable - Sample $Z_i \sim P \in \mathcal{P}$, identically and independently - Let $\mathcal{D} := \mathcal{D}_n =\lbrace Z_1, \ldots, Z_n \rbrace \in \, \mathcal{Z}^n$ -- - Example 1: Classification - $Z_i = (X_i,Y_i)$ where $\mathcal{X}=\mathbb{R}^p$ and $\mathcal{Y}=\lbrace 0,1\rbrace$ - $P=P\_{XY}=P\_{X|Y}P\_Y$, where $P\_{X|Y}$ is Gaussian -- --- class:inverse ## What is an Algorithm? $f$ is a learning algorithm, which maps from a subset of data to a hypothesis $h$, $$f : 2^{\mathcal{Z}^N} \rightarrow \mathcal{H}, \text{ where }N \gg n.$$ -- - Example 1: Classification - $f$ is ** - $h$ is *RandomForestClassifier.predict* --- class:inverse ## What is Performance? Generalization error $\mathcal{E}$ is the expected risk of algorithm $f$ for task $t$ with respect to training dataset size $n$: $$ \mathcal{E}(f,\mathcal{D} ) := \mathcal{E}(f,\mathcal{D} \mid t ) = \mathbb{E}\_P[\mathcal{R}(f(\mathcal{D}))].$$ -- Example 1: Classification - $\mathcal{R}$ is expected misclassification rate --- class:inverse ## What is Learning? Letting $\mathcal{D}_0$ be a data corpus with no samples, .center[$f$ learns from data $\mathcal{D}$ iff $\mathcal{E}(f,\mathcal{D}) < \mathcal{E}(f,\mathcal{D}_0),$] $\mathcal{E}(f,\mathcal{D}_0)$ is the initial performance of $f$ prior to seeing data, and therefore a function of - prior on $\theta$ - inductive bias of $\mathcal{H}$ - estimation bias of $f$ - model bias of $\mathcal{P}$ --- class:inverse ## What is a Setting? A setting is defined by a septuple $\mathcal{S} = \lbrace \mathcal{Z}, \mathcal{P}, \mathcal{A}, \mathcal{H}, \mathcal{L}, \mathcal{R}, \mathcal{F} \rbrace$ | Object | Notation | Example |:--- |:--- |:--- | | Measurements | $ \mathcal{Z}^n$ | $\mathbb{R}^p \times \lbrace 0, 1 \rbrace$ | | Distributions | $\mathcal{P} := \lbrace P_z \rbrace$ | Gaussian | Actions | $\mathcal{A}$ | {↑,↓,←, →,B,A,start} | Loss | $\mathcal{L}: \mathcal{A} \to \mathbb{R}_+$ | $ (\hat{y} - y_*)^2$ | Risk | $\mathcal{R}: \mathcal{P} \times \mathcal{L} \to \mathbb{R}_+$ | $\mathbb{E}_P[ \mathcal{L}(a)]$ | Hypotheses | $\mathcal{H} = \lbrace h: \mathcal{Z} \to \mathcal{A} \rbrace$ | hyperplanes | Algorithms | $\mathcal{F} = \lbrace f : 2^{\mathcal{Z}^N} \to \mathcal{H} \rbrace$ | ** --- class:inverse ## What is a Task? Given - some true but unknown distribution $P\_z \in \mathcal{P}$, - a random data corpus $\mathcal{D}$ with sample size $n$ - a setting $\mathcal{S}$ find the $f \in \mathcal{F}$ that minimizes generalization error in that setting: .center[ $f^* = \arg \min\_{f \in \mathcal{F}} \mathcal{E}(f,\mathcal{D})$.] --- class: inverse ## What is Transfer Learning? Given - .ye[source] data $\mathcal{D}_1$, - .ye[target] data $\mathcal{D}_0$ from possibly another distribution. - let $\mathcal{D} = \mathcal{D}_0 \cup \mathcal{D}_1$. -- .center[$f$ .ye[transfer] learns from $\mathcal{D}_1$ iff $\mathcal{E}(f,\mathcal{D}) < \mathcal{E}(f,\mathcal{D}_0).$] --- class: inverse ## Can Honey Bees Transfer?
- honey bees can also transfer to different sensory modality (smell) - honeybees do not forget how to do the first task (no forgetting) - this is called "forward transfer" - bees learn the concept of "sameness" --- class: inverse ## What is Multitask Learning? - $T_i \in \lbrace{1,2,..,J\rbrace}=[J]$ is a task lable, - Each task could differ by $P_z$ or any element of $\lbrace \mathcal{Z}, \mathcal{P}, \mathcal{A}, \mathcal{H}, \mathcal{L}, \mathcal{R}, \mathcal{F} \rbrace$ - $\mathcal{D} = \lbrace (Z_i,T_i) \rbrace^n $ - Let $\mathcal{D}_j = \lbrace (X_i,Y_i,T_i) : T_i = j \rbrace$ -- $f$ weakly .ye[multitask] learns from $\mathcal{D}$ if $$ \sum\_{j \in [J]} \mathcal{E}(f,\mathcal{D} \mid j ) P(j) < \sum\_{j \in [J]} \mathcal{E}(f,\mathcal{D}_j \mid j) P(j),$$
and $f$ strongly .ye[multitask] learns if, $$ \mathcal{E}(f,\mathcal{D} \mid j) < \mathcal{E}(f,\mathcal{D}_j \mid j) \quad \forall j \in [J].$$ --- class: inverse ## What is Sequential Learning? Same as "batch" learning, except $f$ updates existing hypothesis on basis of new data, that is, $$f : \mathcal{H} \times 2^{\mathcal{Z}^N} \rightarrow \mathcal{H}, \text{ where }N \gg n.$$ --- class: inverse ## What is Lifelong Learning? Sequential multi-task learning, where - $|\mathcal{J}|$ is (countably) infinite - $J_n$ is the number of tasks observed after $n$ samples - Requires .ye[out of task] capabilities -- $f$ weakly .ye[lifelong] learns from $\mathcal{D}$ if $$ \sum\_{j \in [J\_n]} \mathcal{E}(f,\mathcal{D} \mid j ) P(T=j) < \sum\_{j \in [J\_n]} \mathcal{E}(f,\mathcal{D}\_j \mid j) P(T=j),$$
and $f$ strongly .ye[lifelong] learns if, $$ \mathcal{E}(f,\mathcal{D} \mid j) < \mathcal{E}(f,\mathcal{D}_j \mid j) \quad \forall j \in [J_n].$$ --- class:inverse ### Learning Scenarios
| | $J>1$ | Sequential | | :---: | :---: | :---: | | Machine | 0 | 0 | | Sequential | 0 | 1 | | Multi-task | 1 | 0 | | Lifelong | 1 | 1 | --- class:inverse, middle ### Evaluation Criteria --- class:inverse ## Transfer Efficiency (TE) The transfer efficiency of learning algorithm $f$ for task $j$ is $$ TE\_j(f) := \frac{\mathcal{E}\_j(f, \mathcal{D}_j)}{\mathcal{E}\_j(f, \mathcal{D_n})}. $$
Algorithm $ f $ transfer learns if $ TE_j(f) > 1 $. --- class:inverse ## Forward / Reverse TE - Let $\mathcal{D}_F^j = \{(X_i, Y_i, T_i) \in \, \mathcal{D} : i \leq n_j\}$ be the set of all data up to sample $n_j$. - Forward transfer efficiency of $ f $ for task $j$ is the improvement on task $j$ resulting from all data .ye[preceding] task $j$ $$ FTE_j(f) := \frac{\mathcal{E}_j(f, \mathcal{D}_j)}{\mathcal{E}_j(f, \mathcal{D}_F^j)}. $$ -- - Reverse transfer efficiency of $ f $ for task $j$ is the improvement on task $j$ resulting from all data .ye[after] task $j$ $$ RTE\_j(f) := \frac{\mathcal{E}\_j(f, \mathcal{D}_F^j)}{\mathcal{E}_j(f, \mathcal{D})}. $$ --- class: inverse ## Catastrophic Forgetting vs Reverse Transfer - Catastrophic forgetting: performance on past tasks gets much .ye[worse] given new task data - Reverse transfer: performance on past tasks gets .ye[better] given new task data Wise learning machines cannot simply avoid catastrophic forgetting, them must reverse transfer to gain understanding from every sample. --- class: inverse, middle ### Algorithm --- class: inverse ## Composable Hypotheses .center[ .ye[$h := w \circ v \circ u = w(v(u(x)))$]] - Let $u$ be .ye[transformer] data to a new representation, $$ u : \mathcal{X} \to \tilde{\mathcal{X}}$$ - Let $v$ be .ye[voter] which operate on the transformed data outputs votes on all possible actions $$ v : \tilde{\mathcal{X}} \to \mathcal{P}_{A|X}$$ - Let $w$ be .ye[decider] which decides which actions to take on the basis of the votes $$ w : \mathcal{P}_{A|X} \to \mathcal{A}$$ --- class: inverse ## Simple Examples - Linear Discriminant Analysis (shallow) - $u$: projection onto a line - $v$: fraction of points per over/under threshold - $w$: maximum a posteriori class -- - Decision Tree (deep) - $u$: union of polytopes - $v$: fraction of points per class per leaf node - $w$: maximum a posteriori class --- class:inverse ## Complicated Example - Decision Forest - $u_b$ for $B$ trees: union of overlapping polytopes - $v_b$ for $B$ trees: fraction of points per class per leaf node - $w$: maximum a posteriori class averaging over trees -- - Deep Nets - $u$: "backbone" (all but last layer) - $v$: softmax layer - $w$: max --- class: inverse ## Composable Learning - Single task learning: $ h(\cdot) = w \circ v \circ u (\cdot)$ - Multiple independent task learning $$ h_j(\cdot) = w_j \circ v_j \circ u_j (\cdot)$$ - Single task ensemble learning $$ h(\cdot) = w \circ \bigcup_j v_j \big( u_j (\cdot) \big)$$ - Multitask learning $$ h_j(\cdot) = w_j \circ v \circ \bigcup_j u_j (\cdot)$$ - Sequential Multitask learning $$ h\_j(\cdot) = w\_j \circ \bigcup\_{j,j'} v\_{j,j'} \big( u\_j (\cdot) \big) $$ --- class: inverse ## Key Idea - .ye[Different transformers can composed with voters] - Learn many different transformers $u_j(\cdot)$'s - For each $u\_j$, learn voter per task $v\_{j,j'}$'s - Use the decider to weight the various options - This is .ye[ensembling representations]. ### Notes - We learn new representation for each task - Dimensionality of internal representation grows linearly with number of tasks --- class: inverse ## Lifelong Learning Schema
- Any learner with an explicit internal representation is ok, e.g., decision trees, decision forests, deep networks - SVM, k-NN, etc., are not --- class: inverse ## General Representations - Transformers learn representations - We desire representations that are sufficient for one task, and useful for other tasks - Decision trees, decision forests, and deep nets (with ReLu nodes) .ye[partition] feature space into polytopes --
--- class: inverse, middle ### Simulations --- class: inverse ## A Transfer Example - .ye[XOR] - Samples in the (0,0) and (1,1) quadrants are purple - samples in the (0,1) and (1,0) quadrants are green - .lb[N-XOR] - Samples in the (0,0) and (1,1) quadrants are green - samples in the (0,1) and (1,0) quadrants are purple - Optimal decision boundaries for both problems are coordinate axes
--- class: inverse ## Lifelong Classifier
- .lb[Uncertainty Forest] uses 100 samples from XOR to learn partitions - .ye[Lifelong Forest] uses 100 samples from XOR and $n$ samples from N-XOR to learn partitions --- class: inverse ## Lifelong Classifier
--- class:inverse ## Different # of Classes
--- class:inverse ## Graceful Forgetting
--- class: inverse, middle ### Real Data --- class:inverse ## Consider an example - *CIFAR 100* is a popular image classification dataset with 100 classes of images. - CIFAR 10x10 breaks the 100-class task problem into 10 tasks, each with 10-class. - 500 training images and 100 testing images per class. - All images are 32x32 color images.
--- class: inverse ## Previous State-of-the-Art
Andrei A. Rusu et al. [Progressive Neural Networks](, arXiv, 2016. --- class:inverse
--- class:inverse ## Reverse Transfer Efficiency - y-axis indicates .ye[reverse transfer efficiency] (RTE), - which is the ratio of "single task error" to "error using future tasks" - each task will have a line - if the line .ye[increases], that means it is doing "reverse transfer" --- class:inverse .ye[Lifelong Forests] uniquely exhibits reverse transfer.
--- class: inverse Lifelong Forests uniquely exhibits .ye[strong] lifelong learning. | Algorithm | Average TE | Min TE |:--- |:--- |:--- | | LF | 1.14 | .ye[1.06] | DF-CNN | 0.78 | 0.34 | Online EWC | 1.12 | 0.88 | EWC | 1.17 | 0.96 | SI | 1.02 | 0.76 | LwF | 1.19 | 0.92 | ProgNN | 0.99 | 0.87 --- class: inverse, middle ### Theory --- class:inverse ## What do classifiers do?
learn: given $(x_i,y_i)$, for $i \in [n]$, where $y \in \lbrace 0,1 \rbrace$ 1. partition feature space into "parts", 2. compute plurality of points in each part. predict: given $x$ 2. find its part, 3. report the plurality vote in its part. --- class:inverse ## What can regressors do?
learn: given $(x_i,y_i)$, for $i \in [n]$, where $y \in \mathbb{R}$ 1. partition feature space into "parts", 2. compute average of points in each part. predict: given $x$ 2. find its part, 3. report the average vote in its part. --- class:inverse ## The fundamental theorem of statistical pattern recognition If each part is: 1. small enough, and 2. has enough points in it, then given enough data, one can learn *perfectly, no matter what*! $$\mathcal{E}\(f,\mathcal{D}) \rightarrow \mathcal{E}^*,$$ where $\mathcal{E}^*$is Bayes optimal. -- Stone, 1977 --- class:inverse ## The fundamental .ye[conjecture] of transfer learning If each cell is: - small enough, and - has enough points in it, then given enough data, one can .ye[transfer learn] *perfectly, no matter what*! -- jovo, 2020 --- class: inverse, middle ### Discussion --- class: inverse ## Key Insights 1. Avoiding catastrophic forgetting simply means reverse transfer is 1, but why stop there? 2. Ensembling internal representations enables reverse transfer > 1 --- class:inverse ## Limitations 2. Tasks must be discrete 3. Data must be batched into tasks 4. Tasks must be known 5. Feature space must be the same for all tasks 1. Internal representation grows linearly with # of tasks 1. Must grow rather than recruit new internal representations --- class: inverse ## Key Accomplishments - Formalized Lifelong Learning as generalization of classical machine learning - Introduced novel evaluation criteria: forward and reverse transfer efficiency - Proposed generic lifelong learning algorithm framework by ensembling internal representations - Implemented Lifelong Forests as a specific example - Demonstrated Lifelong Forests uniquely exhibits - reverse transfer - stong lifelong learning - Conjectured theory promising to prove consistency and robustness --- class: inverse ## References 1. H. Helm et al. Lifelong Learning Forests, 2020 1. R. Mehta et al. A General Theory of Learnability, 2020. 3. T. M. Tomita et al. [Sparse Projection Oblique Randomer Forests]( arXiv, 2018. 1. R Guo, et al. [Estimating Information-Theoretic Quantities with Uncertainty Forests]( arXiv, 2019. 1. R. Perry, et al. Manifold Forests: Closing the Gap on Neural Networks. preprint, 2019. 1. C. Shen and J. T. Vogelstein. [Decision Forests Induce Characteristic Kernels]( arXiv, 2018 7. J. Browne et al. [Forest Packing: Fast, Parallel Decision Forests]( SIAM ICDM, 2018. 1. M. Madhya, et al. [Geodesic Learning via Unsupervised Decision Forests]( arXiv, 2019. More info: []( --- class:inverse ### Acknowledgements
baby girl
##### JHU
Carey Priebe
Jesse Patsolic
Meghana Madhya
Hayden Helm
Richard Gou
Ronak Mehta
Jayanta Dey
##### Microsoft Research
Chris White
Weiwei Yang
Jonathan Larson
Bryan Tower
##### DARPA Hava, Ben, Robert, Jennifer, Ted. --- class:center, inverse
--- class: middle, inverse ## .center[Extra Slides] --- class: middle # Biology --- class:inverse ## Do brains do it? -- (brains obviously learn) 1. Do brains partition feature space? 2. Is there some kind of "voting" occurring within each part? --- class: inverse ## Brains partition - Feature space = the set of all possible inputs to a brain - Partition = only a subset of "nodes" respond to any given input - Examples 1. visual receptive fields 2. place fields / grid cells 3. sensory homonculus
--- class: inverse ## Brains vote - Vote = pattern of responses indicate which stimulus evoked response
--- class: inverse ## Can Humans Reverse Transfer? - "Knowledge and skills from a learner’s first language are used and reinforced, deepened, and expanded upon when a learner is engaged in second language literacy tasks." -- [American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages]( --- class: inverse ## Proposed Experiments - Behavioral Experiment - Source Task: Delayed Match to Sample (DMS) on colors - Target Task A: Delayed Match to Not-Sample on colors - Target Task B: DMS on orientation - Measurements - Arc-GFP to identify which neurons could learn - Ca2+-YFP to measure neural activity - Narp-RFP to identify which neurons actually consolidate - Species - Zebrafish (Engert) - Mouse (McNaughton and/or Tolias) - Human (Isik) --- class: middle # Summary --- class: inverse ## What is Lifelong Learning? A computational system .ye[lifelong learns] from data if, given a stream of data and tasks, data associated with one task is used to improve performance on both past and future tasks. --- class: inverse ## What is Lifelong Learning? A computational system .ye[lifelong learns] from data if, given a stream of data and tasks, data associated with one task is used to improve performance on both past and future tasks. Motivation: in biology, learning subsequent tasks often improves performance on previously learned tasks The key is learning internal representations of each data sample that is useful for multiple tasks --- class: inverse ## Current State of the Art 1. Used fixed architecture, finite capacity 2. Increase capacity, with complicated architecture --- class: inverse ## Our Approach 1. Formally define lifelong learning as a generalization of single task machine learning, with suitable metrics 2. Develop a generic lifelong learning approach, Omni-Directional Ensembling Representation (ODER) 1. Learn a new representation for each task 2. Ensemble all representations to make predictions 3. Implement a specific example of this approach, Lifelong Forests 4. Demonstrate that Lifelong Forests uniquely demonstrates lifelong learning --- class: inverse ## Evaluation Criteria ("Metrics") **Transfer Efficiency**: Performance on a task with only task-specific data, normalized by performance on the task including lots of other data. **Forward Transfer Efficiency**: Performance on a task with only task-specific data, normalized by performance on the task including .ye[all past data]. **Reverse Transfer Efficiency**: Performance on a task with only up until and including task-specific data, normalized by performance on .ye[all data, both past and future]. -- If you don't reverse transfer, you haven't lifelong learned. --- class:inverse .ye[Lifelong Forests] uniquely exhibits reverse transfer.
--- class:inverse ## Limitations 1. Capacity grows linearly with # of tasks 2. Tasks must be discrete 3. Data must be batched into tasks 4. Tasks must be known 5. Feature space must be the same for all tasks --- class: inverse ## Not So Clevr
--- ### RF is more computationally efficient
--- ### Lifelong learning algorithms - Fundamentally, a lifelong learning algorithm must summarize previous tasks via a useful representation to effectively use these tasks for learning a new task. - In supervised classification, the most useful representation of a task is its corresponding optimal decision boundary. - More generally, tessellating space into cells yields a representation/compression valuable for any subsequence inference task. --- ### What are Decision Forests? - Two things: 1. a partitioning of the space into mutually exclusive cells 2. an assignment of probabilities within each cell - This is true for decision trees, random forests, gradient boosting trees, etc. - Axis-aligned trees yield cells that are each right rectangular prisms (also called rectangular cuboids, rectangular parallelepiped, and orthogonal parallelipiped) - Axis-oblique trees yield cells that are more general polytopes Note: Deep Nets with ReLu activation function also tesselate space into polytopes --- ### Key Algorithmic Insight - Cells of a partition of space can be a universal representation - Partitions can be learned on a **per task** basis - Probabilities can be estimated given **any** partition, including those from other tasks - Use all data to estimate probabilities on the partitions learned separately for each task - Average probabilities learned on each partition to obtain final answer --- ### Algorithm (High-Level) - Input: $n$ points associated with $J$ different supervised classification/regression tasks - Output: A classifier/regressor function for each task - Algorithm: - for $j \in [J]$ - Learn partition of space using only data from task $j$ - Learn probabilities using partitions $1, \ldots, j$ - Output average over all $j$ probability estimates -- Notes: - This exact procedure can be applied as $J$ continues to increase - This procedure could be use any pair of algorithms for learning partitions and probabilities. - We focus on random forests for simplicity. - We assumed related measurement spaces, specifically, $\mathcal{Z}\_j= \lbrace \mathcal{X} \times \mathcal{Y}\_j \rbrace$ --- ### Basic L2M (unbounded storage) For each $(z_t, j_t)$, 1. update .pu[transformer] using all available data: $h\_t (\lbrace z\_t,j\_t \rbrace) \rightarrow \hat{f}\_t$ 2. for each sample, apply .pu[transformer]: $\hat{f}\_t (z\_i) = \tilde{z}\_i$ 3. for each .pu[decider], update using all available data: $g\_t (\lbrace \tilde{z}\_t,j\_t \rbrace) \rightarrow \lbrace \hat{\eta}\_j \rbrace $ 4. apply .pu[decider]: $\hat{\eta}\_{j\_t}(\tilde{z}\_t) \rightarrow a\_t$ --- ### Basic L2M (bounded storage) For each $(z_t, j_t)$, 1. update .pu[transformer]: $h\_t ( z\_t,j\_t, \hat{f}\_{t-1} ) \rightarrow \hat{f}\_t$ 2. apply .pu[transformer]: $\hat{f}\_t (z\_t) = \tilde{z}\_t$ 3. update all .pu[deciders]: $g\_t ( \tilde{z}\_t,j\_t, \hat{\eta}\_{t-1} ) \rightarrow \lbrace \hat{\eta}\_j \rbrace $ 4. apply .pu[decider]: $\hat{\eta}\_{j\_t}(\tilde{z}\_t) \rightarrow a\_t$ --- ### Lifelong Forests - Assume data are batched into unique tasks - For each task, $ z_t | j_t = j$ 1. Learn a new forest using data only from task $j_t$ 2. Apply forest to each observation so far 3. For each task, update plurality/average vote per tree 4. Apply average vote for $z_t$ --- # Universal Slides --- ### What is Universal Transfer Learning? We say that $f$ **universally** transfers in setting $S$ iff $\exists \; \delta, n\_0 > 0$ such that $\forall n\_j > n\_0$: $\exists P,Q \in \mathcal{P}: TLE\_{n,n'}^{P,Q}(f) < 1 - \delta$ (sometimes better), and $\forall P,Q \in \mathcal{P}: TLE\_{n,n'}^{P,Q}(f) \leq 1 + \delta$ (never much worse). --- ### What is Universal MT Learning? We say that $f$ **universally** multi-task learns in settings $\vec{S}$ iff $\exists \; \delta, n\_0 > 0$ such that $\forall n\_j > n\_0$: $\exists \vec{P} \in \vec{\mathcal{P}}: MTE\_{\vec{n}}^{\vec{P}}(f) < 1 - \delta$ (sometimes better), and $\forall \vec{P} \in \vec{\mathcal{P}}: MTE\_{\vec{n}}^{\vec{P}}(f) \leq 1 + \delta$ (never much worse). --- ### What is Universal Lifelong Learning? We say that $f$ **universally** lifelong learns in settings $\vec{S}$ iff $\forall n\_j > n\_0$ and $\forall \vec{P} \in \vec{\mathcal{P}}$, lifelong learning holds. --- ## Consider the iris dataset - introduced by RA Fisher (inventor of modern statistics) - 150 points from 3 species of iris's - setosa, virginica, versicolor - 4 dimensions/features: - sepal length, sepal width, petal length, petal width --- class:inverse
--- ### Generalized Learning
| | $J>1$ | Sequential | | :---: | :---: | :---: | | Machine | 0 | 0 | | Multi-task | 1 | 0 | | Lifelong | 1 | 1 | --- ### Three Kinds of Lifelong Learning 1. Supervised: setting is provided for each data sample 2. Unsupervised: setting is not provided for any data sample 3. Semi-supervised: setting is sometimes provided for some data samples -- We largely focus on supervised setting hereafter. --- class: middle, inverse ## .center[General (Lifelong) Learning Machines] --- ### Machine Learning: Basic Set-Up Given 1. A task $ T $ 2. Observed data $ z\_1, z\_2, .., z\_n $ Assume 1. The $ z\_t $ are independent --- ### Constituents of Learning Machines 1. .pu[representation]: data are transformed into a representation space 2. .pu[transformer]: maps each point to the representation space 3. .pu[decider]: takes an action using the transformed data --- ### Example 1 Linear 2-class classification (we want to label black dot)
--- #### Example 1.1 - Linear Discriminant Analysis 1. .pu[representation]: the real number line 2. .pu[transformer]: projection matrix that maps each feature vector onto real number line 3. .pu[decider]: threshold such that values above threshold are one class, and below are the other
--- #### Example 1.2 - Decision Tree 1. .pu[representation]: a partition of $ \mathbb{R}^{d} $ 2. .pu[transformer]: maps a data point to a cell of the partition 3. .pu[deciders]: plurality (or average) of elements per cell
--- #### Example 1.3 - Decision Forests 1. .pu[representation]: a set of partitions of $ \mathbb{R}^{d} $ 2. .pu[transformer]: maps a data point to a cell of each of the partitions 3. .pu[deciders]: average of decision trees (posterior probabilities)
Each tree uses a different subset of data to transform (partition) space