NeuroData Cloud

NeuroData's deployment of open-source tools for supporting big data NeuroScience

For data hosted by these tools, see Open Connectome Project

For docs on using these tools and an overview of what they are, see our docs

  1. J. T. Vogelstein, E. Perlman, B. Falk, A. Baden, W. Gray Roncal, V. Chandrashekhar, F. Collman, S. Seshamani, J. L. Patsolic, K. Lillaney, M. Kazhdan, R. Hider, D. Pryor, J. Matelsky, T. Gion, P. Manavalan, B. Wester, M. Chevillet, E. T. Trautman, K. Khairy, E. Bridgeford, D. M. Kleissas, D. J. Tward, A. K. Crow, B. Hsueh, M. A. Wright, M. I. Miller, S. J. Smith, R. J. Vogelstein, K. Deisseroth, and R. Burns. A Community-Developed Open-Source Computational Ecosystem for Big Neuro Data. Nature Methods, (11)15:846–847, 2018.
  2. D. Kleissas, R. Hider, D. Pryor, T. Gion, P. Manavalan, J. Matelsky, A. Baden, K. Lillaney, R. Burns, D. D’Angelo, W. Gray Roncal, and B. Wester. The Block Object Storage Service (bossDB): A Cloud-Native Approach for Petascale Neuroscience Discovery. bioRxiv, 2017.
  3. R. Burns, J. T. Vogelstein, and A. S. Szalay. From cosmos to connectomes: The evolution of data-intensive science. Neuron, (6)83:1249–1252, 2014.
  4. R. Burns, W. G. Roncal, D. Kleissas, K. Lillaney, P. Manavalan, E. Perlman, D. R. Berger, D. D. Bock, K. Chung, L. Grosenick, N. Kasthuri, N. C. Weiler, K. Deisseroth, M. Kazhdan, J. Lichtman, R. C. Reid, S. J. Smith, A. S. Szalay, J. T. Vogelstein, and R. J. Vogelstein. The Open Connectome Project Data Cluster: Scalable Analysis and Vision for High-Throughput Neuroscience. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2013.