Conceptual and empirical comparisons between decision forests and deep networks at small sample sizes.

Python code in three data domains (tabular, vision, and audition).

  1. Haoyin Xu, Kaleab A. Kinfu, Will LeVine, Sambit Panda, Jayanta Dey, Michael Ainsworth and Yu-Chung Peng, Madi Kusmanov, Florian Engert, Christopher M. White, Joshua T. Vogelstein, and Carey E. Priebe. When are Deep Networks really better than Decision Forests at small sample sizes, and how? arXiv, 2021.
  2. C. E. Priebe, J. T. Vogelstein, F. Engert, and C. M. White. Modern Machine Learning: Partition Vote. bioRxiv, 2020.