Takemura et al. (2013)

The right part of the brain of a wild-type Oregon R female fly was serially sectioned into 40-nm slices. A total of 1,769 sections, traversing the medulla and downstream neuropils, were imaged at a magnification of 35,000.


takemura13 Viz i Metadata

Example cutout
# pip install numpy tifffile cloud-volume
import numpy as np
import tifffile
from cloudvolume import CloudVolume

vol = CloudVolume(
    "s3://open-neurodata/takemura/takemura13/image", mip=0, use_https=True

# load data into numpy array
cutout = vol[5632:6144, 5632:6144, 720:736]

# save cutout as TIFF
tifffile.imwrite("data.tiff", data=np.transpose(cutout))

Documentation for cloud-volume located here


S. Takemura, A. Bharioke, Z. Lu, A. Nern, S. Vitaladevuni, P. K. Rivlin, W. T. Katz, D. J. Olbris, S. M. Plaza, P. Winston, T. Zhao, J. A. Horne, R. D. Fetter, S. Takemura, K. Blazek, L. Chang, O. Ogundeyi, M. a. Saunders, V. Shapiro, C. Sigmund, G. M. Rubin, L. K. Scheffer, I. a. Meinertzhagen, and D. B. Chklovskii. A visual motion detection circuit suggested by Drosophila connectomics. Nature, 2013.

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