Hildebrand et al. (2017)
Multi-resolution serial-section electron microscopy data set containing the anterior quarter of a 5.5 days post fertilization larval zebrafish.
Hildebrand and colleagues acquired a multi-resolution serial-section electron microscopy data set containing the anterior quarter of a 5.5 days post fertilization larval zebrafish, including its complete brain. A draft projectome consisting of central and peripheral myelinated neurons was then reconstructed. Electron micrographs and reconstructions are available for view in CATMAID. A manuscript describing the data and methods used to generate it has been published in Nature. The Hildebrand16 database is made available under the Open Database License. Any rights in individual contents of the database are licensed under the Database Contents License. Any use should attribute the original data source (davidh@fas.harvard.edu) and database (http://hildebrand16.neurodata.io/).
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Hildebrand et al. 2017 (5.5 dpf)
Example cutout
# pip install numpy tifffile cloud-volume import numpy as np import tifffile from cloudvolume import CloudVolume vol = CloudVolume( "s3://open-neurodata/hildebrand/130201zf142/160515_SWiFT_60nmpx", mip=0, use_https=True ) # load data into numpy array cutout = vol[5632:6144, 4608:5120, 10112:10128] # save cutout as TIFF tifffile.imwrite("data.tiff", data=np.transpose(cutout))
Documentation for cloud-volume located here
Hildebrand et al. 2017 (7 dpf)
Example cutout
# pip install numpy tifffile cloud-volume import numpy as np import tifffile from cloudvolume import CloudVolume vol = CloudVolume( "s3://open-neurodata/hildebrand/120809zf104/151009", mip=0, use_https=True ) # load data into numpy array cutout = vol[1024:1536, 512:1024, 7520:7536] # save cutout as TIFF tifffile.imwrite("data.tiff", data=np.transpose(cutout))
Documentation for cloud-volume located here
D. G. C. Hildebrand, M. Cicconet, R. M. Torres, W. Choi, T. M. Quan, J. Moon, A. W. Wetzel, A. Scott Champion, B. J. Graham, O. Randlett, G. S. Plummer, R. Portugues, I. H. Bianco, S. Saalfeld, A. D. Baden, K. Lillaney, R. Burns, J. T. Vogelstein, A. F. Schier, W. C. A. Lee, W. K. Jeong, J. W. Lichtman, and F. Engert. Whole-brain serial-section electron microscopy in larval zebrafish. Nature, (7654)545:345–349, 2017.
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