Bumbarger et al. (2013)
These serial thin section data were generated by Dan Bumbarger in Ralf Sommer's lab in order to compare the pharyngeal connectomes of the pharyngeal nervous system between Caenorhabditis elegans and Pristionchus pacificus. (Cell 2013, 152:109–119). In P. pacificus they found clearly homologous neurons for all of the 20 pharyngeal neurons in C. elegans, but were surprised to uncover a massive rewiring of synaptic connectivity between the two species. These changes seem to correlate with known behavioral difference, most interestingly with the novel predatory feeding behaviors found in Diplogastrid nematodes such as P. pacificus.
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Example cutout
# pip install numpy tifffile cloud-volume import numpy as np import tifffile from cloudvolume import CloudVolume vol = CloudVolume( "s3://open-neurodata/bumbarger/bumbarger13/image", mip=0, use_https=True ) # load data into numpy array cutout = vol[11776:12288, 12288:12800, 1232:1248] # save cutout as TIFF tifffile.imwrite("data.tiff", data=np.transpose(cutout))
Documentation for cloud-volume located here
D. J. Bumbarger, M. Riebesell, C. Rödelsperger, and R. J. Sommer. System-wide rewiring underlies behavioral differences in predatory and bacterial-feeding nematodes. Cell, 2013.
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